Karadjordjeva 5, Stari grad, Belgrade

Draw up of documents concerning emergencies and private security Razvojno Inovacioni Sistem Razvojno Inovacioni Sistem Ltd. was founded in 2016. in Belgrade with the idea to make an impact in practical and theoretical approach to catastrophe risk mitigation and emergency situation management with an ambition to be a reliable partner for various partners of relevance in this field. Flood protection system
Razvojno Inovacioni Sistem Razvojno Inovacioni Sistem Ltd. was founded in 2016. in Belgrade with the idea to make an impact in practical and theoretical approach to catastrophe risk mitigation and emergency situation management with an ambition to be a reliable partner for various partners of relevance in this field.
System for integrated management of emergencies - SIUVS Razvojno Inovacioni Sistem Razvojno Inovacioni Sistem Ltd. was founded in 2016. in Belgrade with the idea to make an impact in practical and theoretical approach to catastrophe risk mitigation and emergency situation management with an ambition to be a reliable partner for various partners of relevance in this field.

MSc Milan Markovic

Founder of the company Razvojno Inovacioni Sistem d.o.o. He was born in Belgrade in 1970. He obtained a Law Degree on the Law Faculty of University of Belgrade. On the Faculty for Security Studies- University of Belgrade, he specialized in fight against terrorism. On the same Faculty he obtained a masters degree on the subject of “ The position of local self-government in the system of national security”.

years doing business



licences for issuing Estimates of catastrophe risk and Plans of protection and rescuing

Licenses for the preparation of risk assessments in the protection of persons, property and business

approvals of the Ministry of the Interior for documents subject to export control