Karadjordjeva 5, Stari grad, Belgrade

Процена ризика од катастрофа

Estimation of catastrophe risk

Razvojno Inovacioni Sistem d.o.o. (Development and Innovation System Ltd.) is licensed to prepare documents in the field of disaster risk assessment and preparation of protection and rescue plans. In our team there are 7 employees licensed for the above mentioned elaborations.

The document “Disaster Risk Assessment” defines the nature, character, causes of individual disaster risks, as well as the degree of danger, the factors that cause or increase the degree of possible danger, the disadvantages that can occur for the life or health of people, as well as disadvantages for the environment, material and cultural goods, public services and economic activities, as well as other significant factors for the smooth development of life, economic activities and other social activities.

Level of issuance: Republic of Serbia, Province of Vojvodina , units of local self-government, subjects of special importance for protection and rescue, business corporation and other legal entities in accordance with the Law for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management of Emergencies Art. 15 (“Official Gazette Republic” Serbia, No. 87/2018).

Issuance process - Estimation disaster mitigation

1. step


Risk identification is a process of finding, recognizing and describing the risk. This phase of estimation is realized by a working group writing a description of different scenarios for each hazard. After that, all scenarios are considered and types of risks are defined, it is specified where they can appear, what are their causes and whether they can be disadvantages for the protected goods.

2. step


Risk analysis takes place after risk identification in order to estimate the probability and possible disadvantages for protected goods, or risk level.

3. step


A working group evaluates the risk by comparing the results of the risk analyses in order to get a clear picture if the risk is acceptable or if some measures have to be taken in order to reduce the risk.

4. step

Procedure with the

The risk procedure (risk treatment) is a process that is carried out in order to reduce or modify the risk. In this sense, the necessary analysis is made to reduce or eliminate the risk that can endanger or damage the protected goods. It also analyzes the need to strengthen the response capabilities.

5. step

Cartographic representation
of all risks

For the purpose of estimation, risk maps are prepared for each individual scenario, presenting a representation of the risk. Maps help all employees in the preparation of the estimate by facilitating the presentation of the results and understanding of the various risk levels, and then provide a visualization of the situation necessary for making adequate decisions.


What is a disaster risk assessment?

Disaster risk assessment is a document that identifies the nature, character and causes of individual risks of disaster events, as well as the factors that cause them or the degree of possible hazards, as well as the harm to human life or health, danger to the environment, as well as to property and cultural goods, performance of public and economic services, as well as other conditions for the normal conduct of life and economic and social activities.

Which law regulates this area?

Catastrophe risk Estimate is issued on the base of Law on catastrophe risk mitigation and emergency management (“Official Gazette RS”, Nr. 87/2018) in accordance with the Direction on the methodology of issuance and content of catastrophe risk Estimate and Plan of protection and rescuing (“Official Gazette RS”, Nr. 80/2019).

Who is required to have this document?
  • Disaster risk assessment, in accordance with the Law on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management of Emergencies ("Official Gazette RS" No. 87/2018) is mandatory for: Republic of Serbia, countries, self-government units, subjects of special importance for protection and rescue (except associations and clubs), business companies, health institutions (except pharmacies), kindergartens and educational institutions and faculties, for all objects where children stay, or objects where education takes place, social welfare institutions where beneficiaries spend their time, as well as legal entities the business, commercial, accommodation objects with capacity of more than 100 people. If these objects are intended for the stay of children up to 14 years, regardless of capacity.
  • Business companies and other legal entities formed by organizational units whose capacities, scale and importance are of particular significance for the economy of the Republic of Serbia in the field of energy, telecommunications, mining and transport, shall prepare risk assessments for these organizational units.
  • Risk assessments must also be made by legal entities that own business, commercial, sports or accommodation premises with a capacity of more than 100 persons, and for premises used by children under 14 years of age, assessments must be made regardless of the capacity.
  • Business enterprises and other legal entities not encompassed by paragraph. 2-4 of Art. 15 of the Law on catastrophe risk mitigation and emergency situation risk management, issue their risk Estimate on the basis of Directions of the Committee for emergency situations of local self-government unit based on the Estimate of catastrophe risk for the territory of the unit of local self-government it is issued for.
Who is authorized to issue this type of documents?

Disaster risk assessment is carried out by legal entities licensed to carry out assessments, as well as by employees who have a permanent employment contract and a license to carry out assessments.

For how long is the estimate valid?

The law provides for updating the assessment depending on the occurrence of new circumstances and needs, and a completely new document is issued every three years.

Foreseen penalties

The Law on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management of Emergencies ("Official Gazette RS" No. 87/2018) provides for valid fines ranging from RSD 100,000 to RSD 1,000,000 for legal entities Persons if:

  1. The legal entity that does not prepare the estimation, or does not update it (Art. 15);
  2. The assessment of disaster risk and rescue and protection plan is completed, but has the authorization for assessment of disaster risk and rescue and protection plan (Art. 14, item 1);
  3. Does not provide the information required for the preparation of the assessment (Art. 30, item 3).

The representatives of state bodies, provinces or local government units shall be fined from 50,000 to 100,000 RSD if:

  1. They fail to complete the assessment, or the risk reduction plan and the protection and rescue plan (Article 28, paragraph 1, item 7 and Article 29, paragraph 1, item 2).