Karadjordjeva 5, Stari grad, Belgrade

Risk assessment in the protection of persons, property and businesses

Razvojno Inovacioni Sistem d.o.o. offers the execution of the act of risk assessment in the protection of persons, property and business. It has a license for conducting business of risk assessment in protection of persons, property and business, issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Act on Assessment in Protection of Persons, Property and Business is a primary and initial document in the course of development of any business and social system. The aim of this document is to create an overview of all potential threats to people, property and business, to identify and assess the risks, to recommend concrete measures and to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures already implemented.

A high quality document on risk assessment in the protection of people, property and business guarantees high results in the development of the security system of your company, as well as successful implementation of the objectives at a long-term level. The act offers solutions that strengthen the level of the company at all levels, and first of all at the economic level by reducing potential material disadvantages or loss of life. Thus, each organization receives a multifaceted, valuable document that constitutes the starting point for the development of the system of security management of your business.

Act on risk assessment in the protection of people and business is a legal obligation of any subject in the public sphere or private economic sphere, defined by the Law on Private Security( ” Official Gazette RS”, no. 104/2013, 42/2015 and 87/2018) and by Art 3 of the Regulation on the Detailed Criteria for the Determination of Certain Objects ( ” Official Gazette RS”, No. 98/2016), which use any kind of physical or technical protection, respectively the protection services provided by third parties or which have their own resources for the protection of people and property in the function of protection of business. According to the law on private security, the obligation of business companies is defined the risk assessment as a basic document, which further actions, as well as the planning of technical protection, design, implementation, supervision, maintenance and servicing of equipment of technical protection, to realize.

Risk assessment in the protection of persons, property and business is obligatory for banks and other financial organizations. The Regulation on the minimum technical requirements for the mandatory installation of technical protection systems in banks and other financial organizations (Official Gazette RS, No. 98/2016) provides that the technical protection on the basis of the act on the assessment of the protection of persons, property and transactions, which is periodically updated according to the change of risks.


Which law regulates this area?

The Law on Private Security ("Official Gazette RS", No. 104/2013, 42/2015 and 87/2018) has prescribed the execution of the act on risk assessment in the protection of persons, property and business as mandatory for all subjects in the public and private sectors. This is prescribed in a precise manner by the Serbian SRPS A.L2.003:2017. Security and stability of companies - risk assessment to be carried out at least once every three years.

Who is required to have this document?

The Law on Private Security ("Official Gazette RS, No. 104/2013, 42/2015 and 87/2018) provides that a risk assessment in the field of protection of persons, property and business must possess the following objects:

  1. objects in the field of energetics, transport, water management, industry, environmental protection and other objects;
  2. objects designated by the law, special law or decision of the competent body as objects of special importance in the protection of the country;
  3. objects of state organs - units of local government;
  4. objects of state organs - units of local government;
  5. open objects, stadiums and other objects intended for the assembly of more than 20,000 people;
  6. shopping centers - closed, as well as open type with more than 10,000 square meters;
  7. objects of transport infrastructure (bus stations and railroad stations) for a city of more than 50,000 inhabitants;
  8. the place where the objects from the previous paragraphs are located and of which they are a part, as well as the objects belonging to them in the function of the mentioned objects.
Penalties foreseen

Based on the Law on Private Security ("Official Gazette RS", No. 104/2013, 43/ 2015 and 87/2018), a legal entity shall be fined from RSD 500,000 to RSD 2,000,000 for the violation if:

  1. It carries out a leveling of the system of technical protection without risk assessment, if it is obligatory by law (Art 34).

On the legal basis of the Regulation on the detailed criteria for the determination of the secured objects and the way of their protection ("Official Gazette RS", No. 98/2016), the legal entity that disposes of these objects shall be fined from 50,000 to 500,000 RSD:

  1. It does not have the risk assessment;
  2. It does not carry out the periodic update of the risk assessment.